The little lemon tree I started from seed at work died in 2020 when I wasn't able to go into the office to care for it. The much taller lemon tree I planted from seed at home also crossed the lemon bridge suddenly and without warning last year.

I snapped a photo of the home tree in October of last year because the sun coming through the leaves was so beautiful. About a week later, I noticed the leaves were no longer beautiful. I tried touching one of the leaves, and the leaves began falling off. I don't know what happened, but I was heartbroken. I had several years invested in that little tree.

I've seen lemon trees in the nursery, and I was never tempted until now because I knew I could grow trees from seeds. Starting a new little tree at home, though, required a ton more patience than the first effort had required. I think it took more than two months and planting seeds several times before I finally got my first hint of green.

Of course, it is possible a lemon tree is a slow starter in winter in Colorado. I had the little, tiny container next to the living room window, and I thought it was getting adequate sun. But maybe lemons just need more hours in the sun to sprout. I'm finding that applies to peppers, too. Both my new lemon tree and my serrano pepper plant finally began poking up through the soil in April.

I probably will always fight the temptation to buy one of those adorable little lemon tree planters from the nursery. They are just too darned cute. But for now, I'm getting ready to move my tiny little lemon tree to a bigger pot!

Good luck with your lemon tree. I have one in school, unfortunately it lost all leaves druing spring break. So I cut it back and hurra! it is growing again and very green. :-) I always take it home during summer break .... So all is good for now.