I wish I'd been taking photos all along. But I didn't think of it until November.

I'm teaching the 6- and 7-year-olds every other Sunday, and they are such a perfect age! They absolutely love when I crochet little things to help them remember something I've taught.

As their birthdays approach, I ask them what their favorite thing is, and then I do my best to crochet their wish to embellish a simple homemade birthday card. I adhere my crochet to the card with a glue stick so the kids can easily remove it and have Mom help them string it for hanging or just to keep in their pockets.

Last year, I crocheted flowers, hearts, bats (yes, bats!), a flamingo, autumn leaves, butterflies and a rainbow before I began taking photos of the finished cards. Of course, I also found perfect ways to fit snowflakes into three lessons last year, so each student received tiny crocheted snowflakes three different Sundays. One set glowed in the dark, you know, to represent the light of Christ. :)

Now they're all getting accustomed to me crocheting gifts for them. Recently, one of the kiddos brought a miniature set of scriptures into class. They all went nuts over the little-hand-sized book. I told them I would see if I could find some so they can each have one. I looked everywhere, finding only very expensive used copies on eBay.

Last week, miniature scriptures would have fit perfectly into the lesson ("feast upon the word"). I decided to buy a pdf of candy bar wrappers from Etsy to cover some candy bars to help explain the difference between reading scriptures and feasting upon scriptures. (I plan to share New Testament and Old Testament candy bars, too, but I'm stretching the lesson out over three weeks so I can help them understand the religious reason we celebrate Easter.) I told the class about my unsuccessful search, then presented them with even smaller "scriptures" they really could feast upon. (And boy, did they!!!)

The candy bars were a real hit. The parents loved them, too. The highlight of my day, however, was when one little girl told me I could just crochet scriptures for them. Perhaps book covers... Ha ha ha!

That is a fun idea! And I love the little girl's faith in your crochet powers.