My Gunnison digital temperature quilt was complete in a timely manner. That's because I created a design that didn't include much more than 365 days.

My digital charm square mock-up temperature quilt will be the next one done. I'm still so thankful I didn't try to do this in actual fabric. I don't really like the digital version that much, and I wouldn't have been able to finish November and December even if I had coaxed myself through the ugly summer segments. I've learned I can't do an actual daily temperature quilt until I retire. My charm square stash will wait patiently.

I am trying another digital version, corner to corner this time, to see if I like the design. So far, I like it a lot more than the original charm square digital mockup. I didn't alter the color chart; so warmer temperatures, if they make it onto this small sample, will be the determining factor.

I could call the dots and squares digital quilt done. It doesn't really NEED that final row. That was just the size of the template I created. I'll keep going.

My 2023 crochet temperature project is SO close!!! Just five more motifs.

I had to dye more jade because we will have more low 20s this weekend. And I am SO glad I buckled down to do the last two weeks of December, which means doing the first two weeks of January to complete two rows. According to our forecast, I will get to use my coldest colors again for the last two motifs!!!

My pièce de résistance, my 2023 digital snowflake temperature quilt, is going to take just four more days. 768 unique snowflakes, all my designs! I am so ready to see the final digital quilt!

The Gunnison design is so pretty. And the advantage of reading your posts backwards in time is that I already know how awesome the crochet temp quilt turned out!