I didn't get any quilting done last weekend, but I did add 19 more houses to my Scrappy I-Spy Neighborhood.

I'm using up so many of my tiny green batik scraps! Last weekend I stitched the smallest pieces into triangles and strips large enough to make the house backgrounds.

Real housework is what's keeping me away from my sewing machine except for tiny house-building these days. We went from 90 degrees to 12 inches of snow and right back to 88 degrees literally overnight. Lizard keeps saying we got robbed of spring this year.

All that snow created more weeds than I can count. As well as all kinds of volunteer flowers in places they are not supposed to be.

I've been pulling up weeds, trying to get as much root as possible so they don't come back, and digging up flowers, trying to get as much root as possible so I can transplant them and enjoy them. Why is it flowers aren't as hardy as weeds???

The transplanted cosmos seem to be doing okay in their new homes. The transplanted California poppies all died, and the transplanted blue larkspurs haven't decided yet if they are going to stick around.

Fortunately, I still have more than enough California poppies to paint the garden orange. Two larkspur in the garden look almost ready to bloom. All the volunteer dill has been moved into the raised-bed garden. Eight new lavenders have been planted. All weeds in the lowest level of the property have been pulled; the upper level has been weed-whacked, but you'd never know it. It's green as a lush forest again, but not with desirable plants. All the empty pots have been prepared to receive new growth in the way of seeds, flower volunteers and/or new plants from the nursery. And the rockwork around the house is getting closer and closer to getting done. Kind of a heavy duty patchwork, fitting all those rocks together!

Linking up with Alycia Quilts.
I love making house blocks and fussy cutting the widows and doors is usually where I start. Yours are beautiful. I make all different sizes depending on the scraps. Winter here now so no gardening other than my indoor plants LOL.
ReplyDeleteOh heck - that is a lot of yardwork. and I agree with Lizard... I think spring passed us in the night...
ReplyDeleteLove your House blocks!!! they are so cute and happy!
A very beautiful heavy duty patchwork. The tiny houses are adorable too!