29 October 2009

Eye Candy

NatureFootstep has come up with yet another excellent challenge. I'm extremely thankful because this week's assignment inspired me to fire up .gif-creation software I've had since about 2003 for the first time ever.

The current challenge, using an online glitter service to spice up a photo, reminded me I have a prehistoric version of Fireworks. I have wanted to make my own animations ever since my brother transformed a still photo he snapped of my son fishing into mini movie by causing the casting arm and fishing pole to move. But I never had ample time or good reason to wander that creative path.

Until now.

I read NatureFootstep's challenge, and one tutorial later, I had my first .gif ever. Now I'm getting carried away all over again. You get me started doing a project like this, and it's likely I'll be hooked for life.

Good thing I had a snow day today! Gave me plenty of time to play with my new old toy!

Original Photo

Photo Manipulated at GlitterFly

Original Photo

Photo Manipulated at Glitterbase

My first .gif ever!!!

My snowbear was created by first making eight identical images in PhotoShop and then inserting "snow" via VanDerLee plug-in. Images then were exported from Fireworks into .gif format.

* I have no monetary interest in any of the software or websites mentioned here and am not being compensated for mentioning them; I just love manipulating photos, and I love sharing my experience.


  1. this is why I have this challenge. I can see you had a lot of fun. Is it your own teddybear? Now you combine the interests just like I do. And.. thanks for the link.

    And,now, as you were late, there is another challenge up.

  2. Fun! Just wanted to let you know that we are moving your way! Colorado Springs, CO.. Maybe after we are settled in we could have you down or we could come up!


Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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