We got a full extra month out of this year's garden. Our first overnight freeze didn't occur until last weekend. So I had fresh tomatoes and peppers all the way up until Friday.

I tried to cover the raised-bed planters Friday night, but the plants didn't care. When we removed the blankets the next morning, the plants that should have been toasty warm were dead. This happened last time I tried to cover the plants prior to a freeze, which I think was spring last year, but I had to try again.

Prior to covering, we brought in all the baby peppers and all the tomatoes that looked like they might be mature enough to turn red in the window. I'm not sure how many will actually turn. I gave my mom a good belly laugh because she loves fried green tomatoes, and she remembered the year I tried to make a baked version with my green tomatoes. (Miserable fail.)

We had our first snow Sunday night, and now the flowers are gone, too. I am going to miss my garden for the next five months, but I'm hoping I will get many chances to shoot snowflakes while I wait!

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seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
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