03 December 2012

Snowflake Monday

A few weeks ago, I created a Twilight Snowflake.

This week, I've made a Ti Light Snowflake. Because Ti inspires me. (UPDATE: Ti's blog got hacked -- badly -- and she deleted the entire thing rather than try to deal with the ugliness someone inserted into her wonderful creativity. Although her blog is gone, Ti reigns on, and I'm sure she's still doing inspiring things and taking great pictures in Alaska.)

And now, new update!!! I've written the pattern for the bike body, as well as a rock covering big enough to hold this crocheted bicycle! Find my Snowbike Rock Wrapper here.

You may do whatever you'd like with snowflakes you make from this pattern, but you may not sell or republish the pattern. Thanks, and enjoy!

Finished Size: 4.5 inches from point to point
Materials: Size 10 crochet thread, size 8 crochet hook, empty pizza box, wax paper or plastic wrap, cellophane tape, water soluble school glue or desired stiffener, water, glitter, small container for glue/water mixture, paintbrush, stick pins that won't be used later for sewing, clear thread or fishing line

Ti Light Snowflake Instructions

Make magic ring.

Round 1: Ch 2 (does not count as dc); 12 dc in ring; sl st across starting ch 2 into top of 1st dc. Do not pull magic ring too tight.

Round 2: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), 1 hdc in same dc as sl st, * 1 sc in next dc, 1 hdc in next dc, 1 dc in same dc, ch 5, sl st in top of dc just made, 1 hdc in same dc; repeat from * around 4 times; 1 sc in next dc, 1 hdc in same dc as starting dc, sl st in 3rd ch of starting ch 3, ch 2, 1 dc in same ch to form last ch 5 loop.
If you're not reading this pattern on Snowcatcher, you're not reading the designer's blog. Please go here to see the original.

Round 3: Ch 9 (counts as 1 trtr and ch 3), 1 trtr in loop just made, ch 3, * 1 trtr in next ch 8 loop, [ch 3, 1 trtr in same loop] 2 times, ch 3; repeat from * around 4 times; 1 trtr in starting loop, ch 3, sl st in 6th ch of starting ch 9.

Round 4: * 6 sc in next ch 3 sp, 2 hdc in next ch 3 sp, 1 dc in same sp, ch 5, sl st in dc just made, 1 dc in same sp, 2 hdc in same sp, 6 sc in next ch 3 sp, ch 3; repeat from * around 5 times; sl st in starting sc; bind off. Weave in ends.


Finish: Tape wax paper or plastic wrap to top of empty pizza box. Pin snowflake to box on top of wax paper or plastic wrap.

If using glue, mix a few drops of water with a teaspoon of glue in small washable container. Paint snowflake with glue mixture or desired stiffener. Sprinkle lightly with glitter. Wash paintbrush and container thoroughly. Allow snowflake to dry at least 24 hours. Remove pins. Gently peel snowflake from wax paper or plastic wrap. Attach 10-inch clear thread to one spoke, weaving in end. Wrap fishing line around tree branch (or tape to ceiling or any overhead surface) and watch the snowflake twirl freely whenever you walk by! Snowflake also may be taped to window or tied to doorknob or cabinet handle.


  1. This snowflake reminds me of a ship's wheel - a nautical snowflake. :)

    1. Tee hee, CameraGirl! It's supposed to be a bicycle wheel. But I can see the ship's wheel in it, too!

  2. Beautiful! If my daddy were alive still I think I'd try to design that to cover a ship's wheel! Wouldn't that look stunning on some old wooden boat!

    1. Dang, I guess I wasn't as effective with bicycle inspiration this time around!

      I could shoot the rock on a wooden boat instead of next to my husband's bike, which, yes, is indeed parked next to the Christmas tree. Because that's his baby. :D

  3. This one reminds me of a ferris wheel somehow. LOVE the bicycle!!!!

    1. I think I like the idea of a ferris wheel snowflake... I may have to get crocheting on that inspiration. Thanks, Marigold!

  4. I like that snowflake! I am going to koolaid & vinegar dye some thread for snowflakes after we move this week.

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I hope you will share photos of your thread! I drool over hand-dyed thread!

  5. What an inspiring post over at Element 22. And what a beautiful streamlined snowflake to go with it.

  6. Of course, a snowflake bike :)


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seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
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